senin malam kemaren aku jalan-jalan ke gramedia, khusus untuk cari craft booknya puri berjudul "kreasi bantal boneka". ternyata sudah ada, langsung deh disikat... ^^ nah aku mencoba bikin loli si burung hantu. aku pake kain yang ku beli kemaren yang motifnya burung hantu juga. mata loli yang berwarna cream itu kelihatan aneh karena aku jahit pake tusuk feston tapi festonnya terbalik...hihi
{last monday night, i walked to gramedia, special just to find puri's craft book "kreasi bantal boneka" was already there. i'm trying to make "loli the owl". i'm using fabric i bought yesterday that have owl motive on it. the cream colored eye of loli looks weird because i use inverted feston stitch..hihi}
{last monday night, i walked to gramedia, special just to find puri's craft book "kreasi bantal boneka" was already there. i'm trying to make "loli the owl". i'm using fabric i bought yesterday that have owl motive on it. the cream colored eye of loli looks weird because i use inverted feston stitch..hihi}
oh iya, karena kain yang pakai, dasarnya berwarna putih, aku memutuskan untuk membuat si loli sebagai sarung bantal boneka, jadi kalau kotor, sarungnya aja dilepas dan dicuci.
{because i'm using white fabric, i decided to make the owl as a pillowcase, so if it's dirty, just remove the pillowcase then wash it}
{because i'm using white fabric, i decided to make the owl as a pillowcase, so if it's dirty, just remove the pillowcase then wash it}
tampak belakang, dengan belahan di tengahnya untuk memasukkan dan mengeluarkan bantalnya.
{back side, with slit in the middle to insert and remove the pillow}
puri, makasih ya udah berbagi ilmu dan kreatifitas lewat bukumu...
{puri, thanks for sharing your knowledge and creativity through your book}