
sebelum pergi bermain sore : baju untuk intan dan erny

{before going playing in the afternoon: dresses for intan and erny}

aku membuat dua baju terusan untuk intan dan erny, adik-adik iparku. intan yang paling muda, kelas 2 SD, sedangkan erny yang kakak, kelas 4 SD. ini adalah praktek membuat baju anak-anak. terusan dengan sambungan pada bagian pinggang, dimana bagian roknya di buat kerut-kerut.

{i made two long dresses for intan and erny, they are my sister in law. intan yhe youngest, 2nd grade of elementary school. erny the older sister is in 4th grade of elentary school. this is one of my sewing lesson, making dress for kid. long dress with connection in the waist with ruffle skirt}

sore ini setelah mandi sore, sebelum bermain dengan teman-teman mereka di gang tempat mereka tinggal, aku menyempatkan diri memotret mereka:intan, erny, tiara dan aisyah (teman sekolahintan). tapi susah sekali memotret si tiara, gerak terus.

{this afternoon after they took a bath, before playing with children in the neighbourhood, i took the time to take a picture of them: intan, erny, tiara and aisyah (intan's school mate) but it's really hard to take tiara picture, she's keeping move on}

akhirnya, berhasil motret tiara dalam keadaan diam dan tersenyum (tentu saja dengan bantuan ibunya tiara)....nah selamat bermain, anak-anak ;D

{finally, i can took the picture tiara ini steady position and with her smile (abselutely with help from tiara's mother) soooo...happy playing girls ;D}


  1. that's right astrid, they are gorgeous ;)

  2. kepingin deh, bisa bikin baju kayak Mbak Fitria

  3. mba elsa pasti bisa juga kok kl mau belajar ;)


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